Friday, June 26, 2015


when i got pregnant the second time (planned but it was still shocking), i was not prepared. i found out that pregnancy ain't nothing like riding a bicycle; you don't just start pushing the pedals and get through another pregnancy. with ilhan, it was almost breezy compared to aira. the headaches, back pain, projectile vomiting... not to mention a clingy clingy clingy 1.5 year old. urgh. i just want it on record that I DO NOT WANT TO BE PREGNANT AGAIN. but i guess time will tell. it is rezeki after all, and if i do get pregnant again... well... we'll learn to ride that bike again.

we entertained the prospects of delivering the child here in delhi, a souvenir of sorts, but decided in the end that it would be a better and healthier experience to deliver in the comforts of penang. besides, i had yet to satisfy my cravings for mee kari (for which many tears were shed when we found secret recipe, the only restaurant in india, in Bangalore, that i felt would serve the very specific type of mee kari i wanted, was out of business. ah, the pain i felt stabbing through my heart to have gotten on a 3 hour flight, bumpy drives and nausea just to finally stand in front of its glorious entrance to read the sign that says it is no longer operating. ariff's arm and shoulders would know the pain too). once more, ariff and i (with ilhan) had to go through a long distance relationship while we waited for the birth of our second child; at 7 months pregnant, wary of airline pregnant lady policies and also pre-term labour, ilhan and i were whisked of to the land of char kuetiau and cendol to fatten up and lean on the loving shoulders of friends and family while ariff was left to languish in the deadening cold of delhi's winter. of course, it was a difficult time because ariff and i are so dependent on each other, but it was indeed a blessing too because ilhan now speaks malay like a pro (well, a makcik, really) and family members who would have otherwise been deprived of the pleasure of really knowing ilhan if we were in delhi were able to enjoy her cheeky ways and temper tantrums. she was able to go to a parent-toddler class at a playschool and i was able to connect with some wonderful like-situationed women. she learnt to eat durian, watch monkeys, manipulate her grandfathers and she was able to fall in love with our families. aira too blossomed in my womb as i fed her on a steady diet of good malaysian food. as did i. blossomed. into a whale. oh well.

this time around, we had a little difficulty in deciding on a name for the baby. with ilhan, it was so easy! we found 3 names we liked (all for boys, weirdly), hashed out their meanings, and just changed the finalized choice when we discovered she was in fact a she. with aira, there was so much hemming and hawing that we only decided a day before the delivery. luckily, my heart was set when i found an interpretation of her name to be so similar to ihan's. aira, meaning a respectful and honorable person. because after all, that really is all we want them to grow into.

aira's delivery, as with ilhan's, was induced for logistical reasons. she was overdue and my obstetrician was going away for a deepavali holiday. i did not want another doctor handling the delivery, so we decided to induce labour. ah. will i ever learn. people tell me that naturally induced labour is less painful because it is less protracted. maybe i should have taken the risk of not having my doctor around because the ensuing 9 hours of strong contractions were probably not worth it lol. an interesting point i would like to add for posterity is the fact that i peed A LOT after i had my water bag broken. A LOT. on the bed. it was so embarrassing to have a midwife change your bed pads every half an hour for 9 hours. at least this time ariff remembered not to be a good cheerleader and did not say 'it's ok fea, it's normal. everybody embarrasses themselves by peeing by the literful in view of their husbands and have someone change their urine soaked bedclothes every 30 minutes'. he just provided quiet comfort and this really helped. i also had a heated gel pad on me at all times which was very helpful in lessening the pain. highly recommended, a heating pad. just make sure not to burn yourself. anyway, at the end of the 9 hours, i was only dilated 5cm and i was exhausted, having not taking any pain management besides sitting on an exercise ball. Dr. Voon decided it was time for an emergency c-section. after much hemming on ariff's side (i still want to kill him when i think about it. he said he was wary of complications but i just wanted, nay NEEDED, the pain to stop and would have given away a kidney if i had to), the team prepped me for surgery. it was a whirlwind! there were suddenly so many people in the delivery room and so many sounds. the metallic clinking of instruments, people saying "wei, hang buat la cepat sikit! akak ni sakit sangat ni" (how dare she say akak. she was older than me i'm sure), someone changing my gown. ariff leaving the room. it was terrifying not having him with me and i plotted my revenge even though the pain had become more excruciating once it had dawned on me that the 9 hours of contractions were pretty much fruitless. they were gonna cut me up anyway. next thing i knew, my hair plastered on my face and sweat drenching my body, i was clutching a nurse's arm crying 'MAKE IT STOOPPPPPPP!" while i tried to counter-contract the contractions by doing kegels. lol. she probably doesn't work there anymore after i left nail scratches on her arm... then all of a sudden, i was in the cold operating theater that was full of other people. boy people as well as girl people. with my hoohaa and whatever else in plain view. all i could think of between contractions was oh man i didn't have time to shave my legs, oh man my stretch marks are really bad, and oh man where the hell is ariff when i need his arm to bite on. once the attendants had transferred (heaved) me onto the operating table, my MIL came in to tell me that ariff was not allowed in the operating theater but she would be present. i was glad that she was there. she held my hand as the anaesthesiologist gave me the spinal and i gradually lost feeling in my lower body. as i felt the horrible clenching of the contractions start to subside and my exhaustion taking over, dr. voon took her place over me, joking with an attendant about he had lost some weight since she had last seen him 2 weeks ago. and in what felt like a single heartbeat later, over some chatter about a new mamak shop opening down the street, without me feeling anything in my nether regions, dr. voon pulled her out, pronouncing delightedly what a hefty baby i had borne. dr. voon, holding her by the legs, leant over to show me my new baby daughter, covered in vernix and crying lustily, plump and pink, so amazingly alive. it was dejavu. i couldn't believe that the kicking inside my belly was real. i had another daughter. like ilhan, but so not like ilhan. and then i closed my eyes and i heard my MIL whisper how well i had done and how wonderful baby aira was.

i still have stories to tell about my post natal experience, but i will save that for another day. this post is about aira and how wonderfully she's thrived since she came through that window in my tummy. at birth, she was only 2.8kg, but over 3 months of championship level breastfeeding, she quickly gained enough weight to rival her sister. she had jaundice a few days after we left the hospital and it continued for 10 weeks (breastfeeding jaundice), but she is, alhamdulillah, fine. i called her 'peanut' because she just really looked like a peanut; round and rosy brown. she takes almost entirely on my family's side though i see a little of arwah opah (ariff's late grandma) in her features. she is the sweetest little girl with the sweetest temperament... unless she's hungry, when she turns into a little peanutty hulk. i am very guilty of treating her a little, well, roughly, because i cuddle her too close and kiss her too hard. because she is just so edible. like a hazelnut macaron. or a fluffy banana muffin. she even tastes like one. her cheeks are so thick! her nose is so button! her eyes are so liquid! her mouth smells like heaven itself. when she smiles, it's so wide and happy that it seems like there is not enough space for her mouth to stretch because her cheeks become thick barricades on both sides. it's like her mouth tries so hard to push them aside, but she can't, so all her mirth is channeled through the rest of her body and she folds her body backwards to release the abundant energy. and her eyes just radiate that wonderful delightful cloudful happiness that i think she is feeling. it is magic.

now at 4 months old, she 'talks' a lot and has started rolling around all over the place, like hammie from baby blues. it's hilarious. she will grunt and shout and babble whenever i put her down by herself. wow, another noisemaker. she grabs everything now that it is impossible for me to wear my tudung right or to hold on to glassware because they. will. fall. the way she looks into my eyes when i'm holding her or when i'm breastfeeding her, though, make me want her to stop stop stop growing too fast. i haven't gotten enough of you yet. and i can tell that she loves her sister just by the way she looks at ilhan. i hope they will become sisters and best friends.

i never thought it would be possible to love aira as much as i love ilhan, but it is. i have another heart that is full of love just for her.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

the walking makes me cry

Dear Ilhan,

Today, I realized something. You no longer crawl. At 1 year and 3 months, you have found your feet and you seem to be very fond of them too. Finally, after your first cold winter, your legs woke up from their sleep and started to pitter patter from point a to point b and sometimes straight to point z. Your whole body moves with your feet, your hands swing and your head bobbles and your eyes laugh and your smile makes my whole world spin round and round.

Sometimes, during your incredibly long journey from the bedroom to the playroom, you stop and stoop to check out a piece of paper on the floor, and you say 'OOOH!' and suddenly it's a piece of the moon or a piece of the sky. And then you continue to toddle toddle toddle with the man in the moon clutched safely in your hands and your smiling mouth singing a song only the both of you understand.

Sometimes, with your new habit of carrying a bag 'datin-style' hooked in the crook of your elbow, you go swish swish swish in your fancy imaginary ballgown to a fancy imaginary ball. I worry when you seem to be so taken with baubles and fancies, striking poses and making appreciative noises when we let you play pretend with a necklace, but it cracks me up to see you so happy to be wearing a too-long strand of plastic stones around your little neck. That smile and that giggle and that glee... I can't make myself say no when I should. I know I will regret it sooner or later, but to see you that happy, I tell myself it will be worth it.

Sometimes, you walk so fast your body leans in front like it wants to go faster than your legs, like you're skiing and the G-force has claimed you. Sometimes you don't walk as much as you dance, your arms stretched out to your sides or up in the air, your body going left right left right, your feet going left left right, your shoulder rolling in a bhangra rhythm and your head bobbing to hip hop. Sometimes, when you're upset because I suddenly selfishly needed to pee, you'll be walking so fast you'll land thud bump! on your tush and then with a wail you'll get up again and so it goes till you've either reached me or I've finished my business and have returned to you whereby you promptly forget me again to play with your singing block.

But my favourite favourite one of all is when you are standing somewhere, thinking a thought, taking everything in, singing a song, in a world all your own and then you see me or your baba and you just stop and walk-toddle-run into our open arms with the biggest most beautiful gap-toothed smile and you say 'HI!!!' like we really truly deserve it.The heart, brain, liver, gall bladder, eyes, bones, cartilage, arteries all melt into a gloopy mass of mommy/daddy and baby. Oh baby... That feeling is nothing I have ever had.

Baby, you are growing so fast. It's been more than a year and I'm still trying to believe that I was ever pregnant in the first place! Your first smile, your first yawn, your first fart, your first crawl... I remember them but I don't remember them because now you are really and truly walking. I can no longer hold you captive in my arms, citing your lack of independent mobility as an excuse to bury my face in your sweet smelling hair every 5 seconds.  Congratulations on finally deciding it was time to break out the legs but no thanks for putting me in this paradox of happiness for you growing up and sadness that you are growing up.

You are my sunshine but you are also my hail and thunder and my Alaskan winter. You are my frenemy forever. I love you so very very much sayang, but more than anything I am so very very very thankful.


Monday, August 26, 2013

aidilfitri 2013

Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.

We didn't feel so lonely this raya because ariff's half of the family were here. And it was wonderful.

I owe myself so many stories about life here in delhi. It's been more than 2 months but i have yet to post even 1 story for posterity. Not sure if i should blame the amount of time and energy that ilhan demands from me or just my own pure laziness :)

Till later.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I remember:

-          Squatting on a blue linoleum floor, watching an ant parade with Zubair
-          Watching yachts blown about in a lake with Ayah
-          Pushing my toy pram in a field of daffodils
-          Hearing Abbas get a tongue-lashing for making Maryam cry
-          Carrying a sleeping Maryam from my parents room and putting her in a cot in my room
-          Sleeping in my kelambu in my room with Mak after watching Stephen King’s IT
-          Dressing Umar up and taking him to the playground in the afternoons
-          Playing masak-masak under the big durian tree in front of Nenek’s house using REAL fire and ‘cooking’ plastic bag soup with rambutan leaves
-          Mandi kolam, mandi parit kong, climbing the mangosteen tree, kait rambutan, catching tiny fish with my siblings and cousins and uncles and aunties
-          Throwing stones into the canal in front of Embah’s house
-          Getting a tongue-lashing from Embah for throwing stones in the canal
-          Paman Aee ‘s ‘telur geseng’ and firework shows
-          Going to the Saturday morning market and buying 30 sen candy
-          Eating keropok lekor and jambu batu and laksa during recess
-          Playing getah, batu seremban and congkak with friends at school
-          Not having problems beyond unfinished homework

Monday, March 11, 2013

dreaming of home

since ilhan and i have been staying in PB and Penang these past few months, shuttling between them every few weeks, i've been keeping myself busy with little 'projects', including reorganizing my parents' house. i've been cleaning rooms, organizing the accumulated stuff generally associated with little birdies having flown  the coop, and throwing away a looooooooooooooot of throw-away-ables that neither of my parents have had the heart or energy to throw away. its been satisfying to be able to help declutter my parents' lives, and it has also made me feel extremely nostalgic about our little home in putrajaya.

ariff and i started our life together in a teeny-tiny apartment/flat home, government quarters in putrajaya. we didn't have much money then (not as if we have any more now haha), so we couldn't really do up the house in a way we wanted. but as time went by, we built our little home with bits and pieces we loved. soon enough, we established a sort of style or look which i like to call 'kindergarten chic', but which our parents call 'oh please grow up will you' :) since both ariff and i like brightly coloured and adorable things, we ended up buying a red sofa and lots of accent pieces in bright bright colours. we got posters and pictures of our favourite movies and sports and things that we hung together with a select few of our personal photos. we loved that our first home spoke so much of who we were, but on a budget :)

since money was such an issue, we had some rules about the procurement of household items. besides the essentials like electrical appliances, the rules were
  • if we don't LOVE it, we don't buy it.
  • if we LOVE LOVE LOVE it, but there's no space for it or there's no practical use for it, don't buy it.
  • if we can't afford it, we don't buy it. BUT, if we can afford it in the future and its not a necessity, save then buy it in the future.
  • if we don't love it, but we need it urgently, shop around, make sure there really is no other affordable choice, and only then we buy it.
  • if its necessary and quality's not an issue, just get the cheapest we can find.
these rules were very useful because they helped stop us (okay, me) from buying things that we'd just regret having sometime in the future. this is especially so for knick-knacks or souvenir items; we always made sure the pictures or vases or cushions we bought would fit in the scheme of our house. as much as we didn't really 'decorate' the house, our restraint helped everything coalesce into our kindy haven. in hindsight, i think its important to think, early on, about how you want your house to look like. choose a style that fits your family's needs because it helps you edit your purchases. remember that the furniture you buy, if it doesn't break, will be with you forever. if you pay good money, make sure you get a piece that will not just stand the test of time, but also the test of your changing styles and needs.

but of course, no matter how beautiful and glamorous a house, it's always what you make of it that makes it a home. i miss our little home and the big memories...

The guy that made it home for me :)

Friends always make it better

 Nothing like food and flowers to cheer us up!

And of course, the magical balcony that this blog was named in honour of. No matter how tiny your balcony, it can take you to places you never knew you could be.

but the era is over and we move on. now ariff, ilhan, and i will be building a new home in delhi. it will probably be just a short stay of 3 or 4 years, but that is never an excuse to live in a house you don't love. i'll miss precinct 18, but ooooh, all that dreaming and planning and buying/renting and nesting! i can't wait! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

counting down and tearing up

it's 3 months and 10 days till we'll be reunited in new delhi, india. sounds like a lifetime, but i guess its a teensy bit shorter than the 5 months we were staring at when ariff left in early january. for me, time inches by when i think of ariff.

but with ilhan, my my time flies! she'll be 3 months old on sunday! she's a wonderfully content baby, happy enough as long as she has her milk, sleep, and play. she can now hold 'conversations' with people, responds to sounds, smiles and coos, and is able to raise her head when she's on her tummy. my darling precious baby girl has outgrown some of her baby clothes and that has made me tearful. oh baby... no matter what people say about how i've ended up being a housewife etc, i am glad Allah has bestowed upon me the rezeki of being able to raise my baby myself. i believe my rezeki is best for me for now. 

aren't you a lucky baby?

Thursday, February 21, 2013


i know i've been talking and writing and taking pictures of ilhan too much. pre-pregnancy, i would have wanted to shoot me.

but i can't help it really.

maybe one day i'll write something that is not even remotely linked to ilhan. probably.

but now, i'm content with just staring at her all day and nibbling her tiny fingers and soaking in her smiles and just loving her.

oh baby. you have me wrapped around your little pink mittens.